Located in the beautiful Derwent Valley, Tasmania

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Found Objects and Specimens - Part I

It was a this photo of butterflies displayed under Victorian glass domes that got me thinking...what is it about humans wanting a little bit of nature brought into the home. A quote by trend researcher Li Edelkoort "People do collect a lot. The consumer is becoming the curator of his own house, which is a museum or gallery. We are the curators of our creative life" hits the nail on the head, I think. As such, I thought I would share some pictures, to show how differently one can approach the display of found objects and specimens...
Butterflies mounted on a board behind glass and framed.
Mineral specimens, fossils, eggs and even a sea horse in this tabletop display.
I love this tabletop museum cabinet on the floor, filled with shells and the like. A talking piece, that is for sure.
In our store we have a large wooden bowl filled with a collection of shells. People are drawn to them, including children who put them to their ears to listen to the sea.
We also have this collection of polished nautilus shells. My favourite shell!
And here is my special collection of shells and stones, which I sometimes keep in a large French glass jar. At the moment they are in a crystal bowl I bought on my first trip to France.

1 comment:

  1. That tabletop museum cabinet is such a wonderful idea! What a wonderful 'coffee table'.
