Sunday, September 2, 2012

Swedish slagbord tables and simple Swedish style

Image from here

I can't believe how quickly the time has passed since loading our shipment in July!  We should be receiving it this week some time and I am very excited, particularly when I start to remember what we have coming. 

One of my very favourite pieces is an original c.1800 Swedish slagbord table that we were lucky enough to find, similar to the example above.  It was only yesterday that I was going through my latest Veranda issue and there was one featured in a beautiful American home.  These tables are oh so stylish as they are usually quite simplistic and straight in design.  As such, they can often be contrasted with more detailed or elaborate dining chairs. 

Here is our table.  I have since done a little research on these tables as I was unfamiliar with the term slagbord.  It literally translates to gateleg table and therefore refers to the folding construction.  The more desirable slagbords have a lime washed finish like ours, or those with some remnants of original paint.  You can also find reproduction versions, but why would you want a reproduction when you can have a piece with so much more charm and history?  Reproductions have a place I guess, just not in our store (or my home, for that matter!). 

Here is our table folded.  You can see why I was excited with it, not only is it gorgeous it fitted into the shipment easier because it folds up!  But this also makes it a more practical piece in the home, it can be folded away when not in use if space is tight. 

The hinges underneath the table show its age and character.
Image from here

Here is another Swedish slagbord table used more in a casual setting.  I love the chairs, by the way. 

For all my local customers and for any one else who may be considering visiting the store, we will be closed this coming Wednesday 5th September for around 10 days.  I will let you know when we reopen with all our exciting new goodies.  I am rubbing my hands together with anticipation, but that could also be from the cold! 

Have a wonderful week, and I will post sneak peak images as we are sorting...



  1. Wowwwww Tammy that table !!is so so so wonderful !!!...i can't wait to see the rest us soon from

  2. Hello Tammy:
    We agree that gate-leg tables are so wonderfully useful and adaptable. They can provide a large dining area but also can close up to fit in a relatively small space.

    We have an oak polished gate-leg table which has been used for a number of purposes. At present, it holds a number of books in the Hall of our apartment but has been also put to use as a drinks' table in its time!

    We have found your most interesting and lively blog from Ria at 'It's Me' and have so enjoyed our visit. We have signed as Followers to keep in touch.

  3. Fabulous table, and looking forward to see what other treasures you have in store

  4. Gosh that is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL table and love the image from your previous post with those cosy chunky throws... X

  5. That's exciting Tammy,

    Can't wait to see all the sneak peaks! Love, love the table...hope you are having a wonderful day.

    Take care
