Tuesday, August 28, 2012

chunky throws on antique bed...divine!

Image from here

I have had this image saved on my screen throughout winter, I think I was drawn to how beautiful and warm the bed looks!  Look out how chunky the throws are...the muted colours are gorgeous.  And so casual, isn't it?  My favourite part of the image is the vellum suitcase poking out from under the bed.  As much as I whinge and whine about the cold, there is something comforting about cosying up and keeping warm...

But I love Spring, and we are seeing little bits of Spring every day here in Tasmania.  Most of the blossom trees are out in full glory and the birds are tweeting just that little bit more.

Have a great week, Tammy


  1. O yes !! i like that picture too....send it over...here fall is coming....but i hope we get a long long after summer......love from me...xxx...

  2. Thanks Ria, it is a beautiful picture, isn't it? I hope you have a lovely long summer too!

    And thanks Janine for your thoughtful comments on my previous post, your insights are always greatly appreciated!

    Until next time, Tammy
