Monday, September 24, 2012

At home with May and Axel Vervoordt recipes for every season

Isn't this image so very beautiful in its simplicity?  That is what I thought when I opened straight to this page of a gorgeous book that was given to me for my recent birthday.  It is from a book titled At Home with May and Axel Vervoordt, Recipes for Every Season.  You may already be aware that I am one of Axel's biggest fans and whilst this book is more from May's perspective in terms of styling and food, I see Axel's influence throughout the book.  Axel describes his wife's ability to make table settings look like still life paintings and he also admires her respect for ingredients and her creativity with cooking. 

And indeed, the front cover could be used for a still life!  I love the grey colours on the rustic table.  

Here is an outdoor table prepared with food.  I did a double take with the green bowl, we have only just had such a bowl with a pouring lip come in to our store! 

So now I am wondering whether I share some of May's passion for beautiful earthy serving pieces.  And she describes within the book her weakness for buying baskets and collecting wooden spoons.  I can also relate to this problem...

May also has a fetish for these Georgian English tazzas, I can admit to owning a few myself.  But doesn't it look gorgeous presented with these flaky pumpkin tarts?  She writes "sharing food with friends is a timeless gift that delights the palate and inspires memories".  Beautifully worded. 

This book is more than just pretty pictures, the pictures are accompanied by recipes such as this wild mushroom dish.  I can't wait to trial a few.

I was also given these beautiful gift cards letterpressed by my sister Rachel.  I will have to admit to being thoroughly spoilt!


  1. Hello Tammy:
    What a wonderful book you have brought to our attention here and one of which we did not previously know. We are not ourselves at all interested in cooking, but love all food especially when it is as beautifully presented as obviously it is in 'At Home'.

    Your large, green bowl we cannot imagine will be with you long. It is absolutely wonderful.

    We also have a collection of glass tazzas although ours, mainly of pressed glass, date from the 1930s rather than being Georgian!

  2. G'day Tammy,
    Cate and I visited your beautiful hall on Friday and left bedazzled as usual-sensory overload! Ventured around NN looking for a cute place to lunch-well you know the score on that front! Sorry we missed you

    1. Hi Steve,

      Thank you for your comment and for your kind words about our store. It is great to get such positive feedback. And yes, I know what you mean about lunch places. Next time, try Cheeky Little Place in Burnett Street, or Patchwork Cafe in Willow Court...

      Have a great weekend, Tammy

  3. Like the book !! that outsite service...i have some green bowls and plates like that !!...lovely week

  4. Hi Tammy,

    I nearly missed this post...what is happening to me!!!? The book you have blogged about looks stunning. You will have to let us know how your recipes turn out. I have to say, when something you cook turns out looking exactly the same as the photograph in the book, that is a buzz. I've made all members of my family come into the kitchen and admire my tomato pie when it turned out exactly like the picture in the book (bless them, I'm sure they thought I'd taken leave of my senses). I hope you had a fantastic birthday and enjoyed getting thoroughly spoilt.

    I am nuts about any pottery with the bowl you featured above. I wish there was more like it around. I always admire the Belgians and the way they decorate with pottery.

    I love the gift cards your sister has created, clever girl!

    Lucky Steve above, one day I am coming to see you too.

    Take care

  5. Hi Janine,

    It is a stunning book, I haven't went right through it yet but from what I saw the recipes look great for me - lots of recipes using vegetables I like to grow such as zucchini. I often don't know what to do with all my summer zucchini, I will be fine now! I will let you know what I cook (only if it turns out ok!). And I am sure your family love you for your quirks...

    I love glazed pottery too, the green bowl no exception. I have some cream versions at home in my kitchen, probably some of my favourite pieces.

    And yes, Rachel is very clever at what she does, and so patient unlike her big sister!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Tammy xx
