Saturday, June 16, 2012

gustavian chairs...mismatched beauty

Image from here

I have made no secret that I love Gustavian furniture, how beautiful are these chairs?  Each is different but they look great all together.  I would love to be bold enough to have a mismatched set of such chairs in my dining room...

I apologise for a short post, I have quite a bit on the go at the moment, you will find out why late next week! 


  1. Love those chairs !!..i can't wait so exciting !! from

  2. Hi Tammy,

    I'm with you. Wish I'd had the foresight to have mismatched chairs when we were buying our dining room setting. But back then I don't think it was really thought about......not that it was THAT long ago!!!!! Another thing is height with the chairs and making sure people can fit their legs under the dining room table.

    Have a great week Tammy, the weeks are just flying aren't they?!!!

    Take care

  3. Totally gorgeous! Love this look too. x
