Saturday, June 23, 2012

buying antiques in GREAT britain!

Here I am, once again in the United Kingdom (or GREAT Britain as is the motto here at the moment.  Olympic hype I believe) on the hunt for the unusual and fabulous for the store. 

One of my first purchases is this fantastic drum that couldn't be more British or unusual.  I believe it dates to around the 1940s and is London made.  I was off to a great start!

I admired this French hat box at a trade fair but the hat itself had been squashed so I left it.  I nearly bought it for the box alone!

Near the hat I spotted these French child's boots in a bowl, I bought the bowl and obviously couldn't resist the boots. 

The fronts of each shoe had been reinforced with metal, those were the days of mending and making do... Are they not gorgeous?  I had the feeling that the stallholder was reluctant to sell them.

French linen was the order of the day, it is becoming increasingly hard to find but I found some lovely French napkins with monograms and some gorgeous linen sheets.

These were one of my more unsual purchases, they are American ice cream bowls and are quite heavy.  Of course, one could now use them on the bench for utensils or something. 

This 19th century fan light is beautiful.  I didn't commit to it but I really liked the colour. 

One of the last pieces I lugged back to the van (whilst hoping it would fit!) is this vintage abacus on stand, with a chalk board attached for notes.  What a great find and a unique learning tool!  Who needs a calculator?

I have bought so much more than I can show at the moment but I am still catching up on the timezone difference and lost sleep from morning fairs.  I am having a great time and am dreaming each night about the next day and what it may hold.  I am excited also to share my adventures with my readers, I hope you feel like you are almost here in GREAT Britain with me...


  1. You are close to me right now !!!...and that i can feel......hahahahah!!...beautiful stuff..enjoy your time in England.....but Holland is also beautiful....hahaahah!!

  2. Oh wow!! I am jealous - you are in my homeland... maybe you might have time for a visit to the guys at FONTAINE? (Margate, Kent)... Anyway, enjoy your time there and has it stopped raining yet? All my family were saying how much rain there has been over the last few weeks or so!
    Sarah x

  3. Oh and forgot to say, love the ice cream tubs and the linen napkins particularly.... Beautiful. S x

  4. Hi Ria, I would love to pop over to Holland if I had time! It would be beautiful and a place I would love to go...

    And Sarah, I would also really really like to get to Fontaine, we will be headed south next week so I will be sure to post if I get to Margate!

    Thank you for your comments,


  5. Gorgeous Tammy! You look like you are having such a fun time :)


  6. Brilliant information about antiques as it has historical look and it is the philosophy of art and the above discussed was very useful as I have passionate about antiques and I have been looking for the similar kind of information.Thanks for the information.
