Friday, June 1, 2012

new gourmet food and produce store in Hobart! welcome the aproneers...

Image from here

As an Eastern shore resident I am over the moon, or should I say under the rainbow with the arrival of The Aproneers, a new gourmet and produce food store on the East Derwent Highway, Lindisfarne.  I literally could not contain my excitement after my first visit to the store, I came home raving for the next few hours as I prepared a meal with ingredients sourced entirely from The Aproneers.  I discovered the store on its very first low key opening day, a week before it's grand opening on May 26th May, above.  Despite nearing the end of its first day, the staff were far from tired but were instead on a natural high from the positive feedback from locals throughout the day. 

From the outset I was impressed by the range, which I noted was mostly from local producers.  I gravitated towards the dairy section with a great selection of goats milk and cheese products.  Whilst I was shopping I had several staff members assist me and fill me in on their main food mantra - "sustainability".   In a nutshell, they have a food rating system which grades each food product in terms of sustainability e.g. local produce has a higher sustainability rating compared with imported food. Simple concept, but I like it!

Image from here

Kylie Kwong helped to officially open The Aproneers at the jam packed community grand opening.  And customers were given bags of local Tasmanian apples throughout the day.  

Image from here

On The Aproneers' website your can find recipes made from ingredients to be found in store, such as this sticky fig and ginger cake.  I am already addicted to this exciting and refreshing concept store, lucky it is in walking distance!


  1. Great review. I have shared it on my Facebook page for my Eastern Shore friends. I saw their TV Ad. which looked impressive too.

  2. So nice !!..happy weekend from
