Sunday, March 24, 2013

look out for our antiques on TV! Tourism Tasmania's "go behind the scenery"

We are very proud that quite a few of the antiques in the background of this catchy Tourism Tasmania's ad are from our store!  The latest tourism campaign begins today and will run until the end of May.  The concept is to encourage potential visitors to "look behind the scenery" to discover everything else that Tasmania has to offer apart from its beautiful landscape.  

Have a watch and see if you can spot the following...

One of a pair of leather wing back arm chairs...

Jar with shells and apothecary bottles...

Large glass bell dome which is used to house a model of the Oatlands Callington Mill in the ad...

Our French reticulated artist's hand and amber apothecary jars.  Many other pieces from our store were used as props including leather trunks, a drum and a top hat in leather box.  These items really helped set the quirky theatre scene.  I like also the way that the ad ends at the Theatre Royal, of which I recently featured.

I for one love the ad, I think that it is part creative genius but mostly just fun.  I adore Tasmania, we have so much to offer all travellers.  My most enjoyable holidays have been spent right here exploring the 3 million acres that I call home.

Until next time,



  1. Lovely sunday darling.....i wish i could visit you in Tasmania !!..looks great !!

    1. Hi Ria,

      Oh, you should! Do come to Tasmania and see what I am always raving about.

      Have a wonderful week,

      Tammy xx

  2. I had a look at it last week and can't quite work out why it has had criticism? It's a lot of fun and thee is more to do in Tas than look at csenery (as nice as it is).
    Have a great week x

    1. whoops, sorry about those typos!

    2. Hi Sarah,

      Firstly, no worries about typos, they happen to the best of us!

      And also, thank you for your comments. I agree, and I think some people like to criticise for the sake of it. I couldn't imagine going around in life being so negative all the time!

      Have a great week, Tammy

  3. Hi Tammy,

    I think this is a brilliant ad. I love the whimsy and quirkness of it. I had to watch it a couple of times to see everything you mentioned in your post. At first I thought you were talking about another ad where the front of the Drill Hall is featured....just one promoting the New Nolfork area. I will get there one day! The ad above I also had to laugh because where I grew up, the road above Mum and Dad's farm was/is No Where Else Road!! Cool

    I too hope you enjoy your week, and if I don't call in again I wish you and your family a very Happy Easter.

    Take care


    1. Hi Janine,

      I am glad you like the ad and could have a laugh with the No Where Else Road. That is indeed cool. I think a lot of thought and care went into the ad, and if you look closely a lot of the people featured are the actual people who make the cheese, whisky etc, so very authentic!

      Have a great week, and a wonderful Easter.

      Regards, Tammy xx

  4. Hi Tammy; thats how Tasmania needs to promote itself; we are not the mainland we need to set ourselves apart from the mainstream, run of the mill advertising. That is the best ad i have ever seen. It draws you and in and leaves you uplifted and wanting more......well done who ever put this together; amazing. Amanda Skipper xx

    1. Hi Amanda,

      Thank you for stopping in and for your positive words. Tasmania is unique as you say and it is expressed well in the ad, I think.

      Have a wonderful Easter, Tammy xx
