Friday, January 11, 2013

French toile linen cushions and Flywheel blog launch

It has been far too long since I have updated recent news for The Drill Hall Emporium.  I have been oh so focused on Flywheel, our new store that opened just before Christmas.  But, folks, I am back for a  year of exciting times and beautiful products that we love to have in our store.  My mum has been busy curating a lovely collection of beautiful toile linens to form her latest collection of cushions for the soft furnishings room.  These cushions are not yet on our website, so as usual you are all getting the first look.  Mind you, this is just a sample, I did not get a chance to photograph all of them...

I love these Watteau linen cushions, the colours are soft and pretty and the scene is for the romance in all of us.  I am pretty sure this is a one off fabric for the store, and as such there are only two cushions available.  Can you see the lovely texture of the linen?

These are definitely a favourite of mine, I found the fabric a few years ago on my travels in France.  I am pretty sure it dates to the 19th century.  I have a bit of a weak spot for French toile, especially the raspberry colours like this example.  Mum has finished the edges with a complimenting fringe detail.

The blue toile is very popular, this linen is not as old but I also found it in France a few years ago and couldn't resist.

 Lastly, these cushions are made from an oriental inspired design and depicts peacocks in raspberry red colours on a green ground linen.  Magical, no?

My time is now divided between the two stores and I have a vague yet constant sense of wanting to be in two places at once.  I often joke about cloning myself but now I am earnestly starting to wonder how close scientists are to this feat?  If I could be greedy and have multiple clones (not just the one) one of them would be at home catching up on the pile of magazines!  And having a cuppa.

The big news for the week is that our Flywheel blog has now officially started!  So please take a look and follow for all Flywheel related news and events.

Until next time


  1. Hello Tammy:
    As you so rightly say, these cushions are simply wonderful. The fabric is, of course, beautiful and, as always, conveys a timeless, country house look. We love them and are sure that they will 'fly' off the shelves.

    1. Hi Jane and Lance,

      Thank you for your thoughtful comments, and I hope you are right that they fly out the door. To a good home, of course!

      Take care, Tammy

  2. Glad to hear from you darling...i let you a note on fb......i was worried about you...because of all the fires in your country !! are you ???...happy

    1. Hi Ria, thank you for your concern. I am fine as are my family and friends. The fires came very close and have done so much damage to people's properties, it is very heartbreaking for so many. You are very sweet, lv Tammy xx

  3. Hi Tammy,

    All the cushions are devine, but like you I'm a red girl at heart! The linen texture is wonderful.

    I have also (often) wished I could clone myself also. Imagine what I would get done.

    Glad to hear you have remained okay with the fires but like you my heart goes out to the ones that it has touched and destroyed so much.

    Take care

    1. Hi Janine

      I am glad you like the cushions, and my cloning idea. You would need a few clones for yourself I am sure!

      We will think about the fire victims and hope they can find happiness sooner rather than later.

      Take care, Tammy xx
