Tuesday, November 6, 2012

our new shop transformation begins!

We are finally in our new property and the transformations have officially began!  Here you can see the front room of the store with the exposed brick walls and timber floors.  We had started stripping the mission brown painted floor when this image was taken.  Actually, I must apologise for the poor image quality, I took this photo with my phone!

The front room has pressed metal ceilings which are original and date to the early 1900s.  There are big fluorescent (arrhhh!) lights over the ceiling which will have to go...
to be replaced with these industrial European pendant lights which have black enamel shades and caged over frosted glass lamps.
Do you remember I mentioned that the property was once the town bakery, and that the original ovens are still on sight?  Well here is the exterior of the bakery and oven buildings.  We think the ovens may need some restoration, a future project!
Inside the bakery with the doors to the dutch ovens.  We shone a torch in them and they are so big! 

We are pretty busy at the moment with getting the property ready for our new store.  But I am so excited about it and believe that it will look really great after our hard work.   I will give an update in a few weeks.  We hope to be open a few weeks before Christmas, wish us luck!

Until next time,


  1. Hello Tammy:
    This does look most exciting and will, we are quite certain look wonderful when completed. We love the exposed brickwork and think that it is a perfect backdrop to all your goods.

    The building has such atmosphere and you have such sympathetic ideas for its restoration. We cannot wait to see the final result. It is bound to be stunning.

    1. Hi Jane and Lance,

      Thank you for your positive words, it means a lot.

      I will now check in on the latest of your adventures!!!

      Regards, Tammy

  2. O my o my..i hope everythings will wok out darling......you can do this !!..love love love Ria...xxx...

  3. Hi Tammy-the building has such great bones! Your oven looks like a Scotch oven, exactly like we have at the RVL-awesome!

    1. Very interesting, I am slowly learning about ovens!!! RVL is one of my favourite lunch spots, keep up the great work.

      Regards, Tammy

  4. I bet it will all look fantastic, if your other store is anythimg to go by. Such great bones with just a little work to do!

    1. Hi Sarah,

      thank you for your confidence, we hope so! There is a bit of work, but nothiing too major...

      Regards, Tammy

  5. Hi,
    I just stumbled upon your blog tonight, and I can't wait to follow along on your journey toward getting your new shop just how you like it. I envy you and, then again, I don't. I know all too well what goes into getting a new shop up and going. Good luck with it all, and may it be a labor of love and a rewarding experience!
    Our shop is also family owned and operated. We are in North Alabama, and I have started a new blog about our business.
    I can't wait to see how your new place comes along!

    1. Hi Piddles,

      Thank you for your comment and for stopping in, I will check out your blog now!

      Regards, Tammy

  6. Those pressed tin ceilings are divine! Wishing you the BEST of luck as you prepare for the new store - will definitely have to pop in for a visit!


    1. Hi Katrina,

      Thank you for your wishes of luck. And yes, you must pop in when we open to have a look!

      Have a great week, Tammy

  7. Hi Tammy,

    WOW Didn't think things would be happening quite so quickly. How exciting. Looking forward to seeing the process. Mission brown paint, must have been the hip things to paint everything in in the 80's. Just taking all the brown paint off will make a big difference to the feel of the place. Love the pressed metal ceiling. What great bones this store has. What will you do with the ovens, are they able to be part of a display feature?

    Enjoy your day tomorrow.

    Take care

    1. Hi Janine,

      Yes, very exciting. And mission brown paint, hmmm, it must have been on sale or given away in the 80s! The floor is coming up a treat, a little rough but it has a nice colour.

      The ovens we hope to restore and find someone to use them, imagine stonebaked pizzas as a possibility?

      Have a great week, and thank you for your comments. Regards, Tammy xx
