Tuesday, October 23, 2012

our new store coming soon!

I have a confession to make. I have been keeping a little secret from my readers and it is time to let it out.  We have bought a gorgeous little property in our town of New Norfolk to start another store, in addition to The Drill Hall Emporium.  We are going to have 2 shops! 

The property is the one that you see above.  Currently it is the Big Red Box, selling fashion accessories.  Our plan when we getting our hands on it is to give it a face lift but to keep the exposed timber windows as we think they are a nice feature.  I would be interested to know what you think about the timber, actually, as some people have suggested we paint it?  The interior of the store has exposed red brick walls and timber floors, so much character. 

The property was originally the town bakery, as you may be able to make out above the verandah "J E Fuller Baker".  Out the back of the property, the old Scotch ovens are still intact.  Imagine the yummy bread that came out of those long ago!  Well actually, it was still a bakery in the 1970s and had been running since the 19th century to our knowledge.

We will be very busy soon with our renovations to the property, I will keep you informed on progress.  I have been tossing and turning each night with the excitement of it all.  And as to the type of store we will be opening?  Until the time is right, that may have to remain yet another little secret...


  1. How exciting Tammy, I can't wait to see what kind of store it will be! I love the timber windows they look fabulous as they are, you will be very busy indeed but it sounds great.
    Congratulations but don't keep us in suspense for too long.

    1. Hi Lynette, thank you for your comments and I will try and not to keep the suspense too long! Take care, Tammy

  2. Oh exciting! I'll be looking forward to seeing what type of store it is :)

  3. This is great and exciting news Tammy !!!...wowww two shops !!....enjoy it love from me...xxx...Ria...

  4. Hi Tammy,

    That is fantastic news!!! I say keep the windows the same for now. I think it will have a wonderful warm vibe with the brick walls inside the building. It might lend itself to an industrial feel. Our local bookshop has just moved and they have brick walls in their new shop and I love the vibe.

    No wonder you are finding it hard to sleep, I would too.....very exciting!

    Take care

    1. Hi Janine,

      Well, we are actually going for an industrial look so thank you for your advice regarding the windows. I wouldn't like to paint it and then regret it afterward...

      Thank you for your thoughtful comments,

      Regards, Tammy

  5. Ooh WOW! That is super duper exciting! I personally love the timber look, but I know that whatever you end up doing will look sublime as your taste is impeccable ;)
