Wednesday, July 11, 2012

gathering and sorting antique buying trip finds...

This image may give you an idea of what we faced in terms of gathering all our finds together and the daunting task of packing them for shipping.  We had piles of goodies everywhere.  As you may imagine, it is a lot more fun finding the pieces then sorting them out!

I took the opportunity to take a few snaps of some of my favourite finds, including this vintage educational poster of vital organs which I found at a trade fair hanging on the back of a van. 

And these vintage wooden stocking shapers which I bought as a collection, from the Sussex area of England.  


Sadly one of my only opportunities for non-antique shopping is at airports, and my favourite store at London Heathrow airport is Jo Malone.  The variety of scented goodies is amazing. 

I will share more images soon, but for now I have only just arrived home and jet lag is already taking its toll!


  1. Hi Tammy,

    Hope you are recovering well from jetlag.

    I love everything you have shown, especially the wooden stockings. Will those be in store for Christmas???

    Oh wow, Jo Malone.....I've always wanted some of her perfume, I hear the various scents are divine. I don't think they stock here in Aussie, do they?? Well I hope you pampered yourself. I have an interiors book here featuring her apartment and even the writer said when you enter her apartment, the myriad of smells were fantastic.....

    Take care

  2. Hi darling.....welcome home.....lovely day

  3. Hi Janine,

    Yes, the stocking shapers will be here by Christmas, but they do not open as such and are just decorative. I am pleased you like them.

    I bought gifts at Jo Malone so didn't spoil my self. I loved the Basil lime and mandarin scent which just seemed to really suit the girl I bought it for.

    I would love to see Jo Malones apartment, I may have to do some research! Take care, Tammy
