Friday, March 16, 2012

mona market on the roof of the museum on Saturdays, Tasmania

If you are wanting something great to do this Saturday afternoon, you could perhaps visit the new market named MoMa at the famous MONA museum in Berriedale. I had a rare Saturday off last weekend so I took the opportunity to see what all the hype was about. I was not disappointed.

Large pink beanbags are scattered for sitting around and relaxing on the green near Mona's restaurant, Source. And the steps down to the market which is located on the rooftop of the museum revealed an area with a great market atmosphere. People were everywhere!

This stall was enormously popular, people were lining up to sample the cider and grill.

The stallholders were offering their customers free apples, from what I could see. They were displayed in this 19th century copper preserving pan.

Possibly the largest paella in the world? It was 20 minutes from being ready when I saw it and it smelled delicious.

The Agrarian Kitchen had a stall selling their wonderful preserves and produce.

It was all so beautifully displayed.

I love the antique French chopping board, and look at the colour of that tomato ketchup!

Agrarian Kitchen heirloom beetroots are displayed in a traditional English Sussex trug. I used a bunch of these beetroots in a roasted vegetable salad and they were so sweet.

Nearby was this stand named Harvest Feast. They had a great selection of local produce such as pumpkins, berries and also Jay's famous Pigeon Hole Bread, which I couldn't resist.

Lastly I bought some mature seedlings from the stand named Hobart Kitchen Gardens including Chinese cabbage, broccoli and mustard greens. I couldn't wait to get home and plant my little plants. And at 50 cents each I thought I got a real bargain!

MoMa market is definitely a special place to visit for us locals stocking up on great local produce, but I can imagine visitors will have a great time too sampling all the wonderful Tasmania food and offerings.

For more, visit MONA website MoMa will run every Saturday from 12.30 until 5pm until 14th April.


  1. Owwwww...i wish i live their by

  2. We were lucky enough to be there when they started their first market in January... LOVED it. Am envious that you are able to go there regularly!! x

    1. Awesome, seriously awesome.Great presentation.Thanks for sharing.It is very useful.

      Bean Bags
